A surprise is awaiting at the end of the tunnel…Complete “The Pony Chp 3 – Nightmare Moon” and Chp 4 to find out.Atmosphere- Once known by Rainbow Dash, Atmo is loyal to Corruption, The Spirit of Insanity, though disappointed with how things turned out she still tries her best to aid Corruption in his goal to rule Equestria. A little gloomy, finds her Enenra a tad annoying due to it reminding her of Vapor Fog’s old personality. Sphere does like her new wings that Corruption gave her, now she is 40 % cooler and faster. But wishes that her new regeneration ability would at least heal her “scar”, but Corruption said to her once that “it doesn’t work like that”.
Carbon Mist- Hunter, Predator, Killer, a monster, Carbon is hyperactive, a spaz of sorts, and a charmer(psychopath). Carbon loves to play with her prey, but when hungry…lets hope your not her next meal. A crazed lunatic both Carbon and her Enenra love slicing and stabbing, especially on themselves from shear boredom or intimidation. Carbon will usually give herself a scar across her cheeks to smile more or to devour bigger prey, but her “smile” heals thanks to her regeneration(unlike her limbs) so it’s now a habit to create her favorite grin. Has one limb and “loves” animals…she likes to eat animals there!
Atmosphere is now the Element of Pity and Carbon Mist is now the Element of Cruelty
The Elements of Extortion
Corruption: It’s sad really, we are giving you a decision between life and death. Yet it appears there aren’t any volunteers(only one so far)? This. Does not. Please me. It appears someponies aren’t reading the following TEXT! Anyway, you have a chance to join…or die, it’s your funeral. BUT IT OESN’TD PREVENT ME ORFM KLLIGNI EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU AND USING YOUR COLD EADD ORSPEC FOR MY MYRA OF HTE UDAEDN!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Vapor Fog and Volitiale Miasma -> https://www.deviantart.com/didun850/art/MlE-Pinkie-and-Twi-561380923
MiE FiI/Enenra/Carbon Mist/Atmosphere © (me)
Mlp Fim/Fluttershy/Rainbow Dash ©