W-what, I’m playing with my present.You don’t have to keep watching!Okay, I-I may need some help eventually
===================“Happy birthday Soni! I hope you will enjoy this beautiful gift to celebrate this special day, but also thank you for your work that you do all year long ^ I’ll contact you later ;3 Hug!” (WhiteFeather0)
This was WhiteFeather0’s idea, so if the implementation of this cute idea is not good enough, blame me XD. I’m glad to have a friend to bounce ideas off of, I think it really helps for the design process.
I don’t think I endorsed this amazing artist enough last time. I ask all of you to check out sonigiraldo’s adorable art, they are all lovely. If you are lucky to find her commissions open, then by all mean go get art from her, you will surely be satisfied with her talent. At the very least, give her a watch and show some much deserved, delicious love.I too wish happy birthday Soni, may you continue gifting us adorable pone and excitement for future ventures in making amazing art. Best wishes! w~<33
Birthday gift for sonigiraldoOC Fumiko from them.
From WhiteFeather0 and me