For a fanfic of mine… This right here is the HMS Shadowbolt, a MK-1 Wonderbolt-Class battlecruiser. It’s powered by a pair of liquid-rainbow reactors, propelled by a telekinetic engine, and kept aloft by a combination of high-density clouds kept inside armored tubes on the side of the vessel, as well as several telekinetic emitters that both propel the ship upward and act as RCS thrusters.
Armament Includes: 12 Light Beam Cannons (Mounted to the deck to provide close-range support and cover from hostile fliers, as well as inside the sponsons on the side of the hull), 4 Heavy Beam Cannons (Mounted both on the bottom turrets), 2 Light Vaporizer Cannons (Mounted in turrets on the deck), 2 Heavy Vaporizer Cannons (Both mounted to the primary turret), And 4 Thunderhead Cruise Missiles (Mounted in torpedo tubes so the front)
The large doors mounted on the side of the lower hull open to hangars where armed pegasi can be deployed, providing both long-range fire support as interceptors, and as a method for deploying large numbers of soldiers over hostile territory.
The large smokestack-like structure just behind the bridge is both a thermal and magical heatsink, there to void the engines of excess magical energies and heat, both of which can prove dangerous to crew members.
As you may be able to tell, the design is heavily inspired by Imperial Navy vessels from Warhammer 40K, Atlesian Airships from RWBY, and the Enclave Raptor from Fallout Equestria.
Yes, I’m aware this might not be fully pony related, but I wanted to post it anyway, hope it’s pony related enough to say on this site… PS. This is not a spaceship… Everywhere else I’ve posted this, people keep calling it a spaceship, no, it isn’t flying through space, it’s inside a storm… And while it’s based on the Enclave Raptor, and has magical energy weapons, no it isn’t Fallout Equestria related either.