*nihilagis said:*
You’re now in the perfect position for a devastating buck! Let’s hope you roll better this time!
You roll a 1 (required 10). Critical failure.
You attempt to discharge a powerful buck at Marionette’s Puppet, but you misjudge your distance, and miss completely. A sharp pain suddenly paralyzes your left hind leg, causing you to collapse onto the ground.
In the distance, a loud whistle pierces the air.
Sapphire Kite: “Medic‼”
Your vision blurs. You hear hoofsteps hurriedly approaching.
Sapphire Kite: “Hang in there, Trailblazer, help is on the way.”
A few seconds later, a soft-spoken mare arrives.
Medic: “I’m here! What happened?”
Sapphire Kite: “Trailblazer undershot a strong kick. I think she pulled a muscle in her leg.”
Medic: “Let’s see… That sounds about right. Trailblazer, I’m going to cast a spell on you to suppress the pain. Take a deep breath.”
As you take a deep breath, you begin to feel a tingling sensation in your left hind leg, and the pain lessens to a slight discomfort.
Medic: “Here we go. Now, stay still, I’m going to move you onto the cart.”
You are magically levitated onto a wheeled stretcher, which the medic begins to pull to the infirmary…
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