Takes place between Frenemies and the Summer Sun Setback. Not long after his minions seemingly failed to retrieve the bewitching bell the emperor of darkness comes up with his next diabolic plan. To obtain 4 powerful ancient artifacts that will make him and his legion of doom an unstoppable force. He doesn’t send the legion of doom to get them due to their failure of retrieving the belle and because it is well guarded and protected by the Princess and her guards so he decides to kidnap the ponies closest to Twilight and her friends. The cutie mark crusaders including Babs Seed. Despite being terrified out of their skulls the 4 fillies refused to betray their land and loved ones by doing the dark necromancer’s bidding. After failing to manipulate them with lies and an offer of whatever their heart desires such as great experience and wisdom that only adult ponies can have he then resorts to mind control and tells them his demands.
Background used:…
Grogar by
Apple Bloom by Givralix
Babs Seed by
Sweetie Belle by
Scootaloo by HerrMyrddin
Characters belong to Mlp and Hasbro