THIS painting I actually started a month ago when I was testing this style. It was something I worked gradually on it since then. It explains why the style is a bit different here..
These two ponies where created by a friend and myself. They’re based off desserts. Both are funnily enough made in either Australia or New Zealand, our birth countries, not to mention the dessert themselves are named after famous people… so like the desserts, these two ponies got a lot in common
A Pavlova is a New Zealand founded dessert. They are cake-sized and made of crunchy soft meringue topped with almost any fruit in desire. [link]
The Lamington comes from Australia, and more specifically, my town, Toowoomba. Its a chocolate covered spongecake coated in coconut. Sometimes they can be cream or jam filled. [link]
Both these dishes are very popular in their respective countries, but pavlovas are popularly eaten in Australia as well. I prefer lamingtons myself though… actually I got a mild addiction to them
THESE ARE GOING TO BE THE LAST PONIES I WILL PAINT FOR MYSELF. Really guys, I’m not THAT into My Little Ponies I mostly hold true to the G3 and prior generations I’m afraid.
Pavlova by *enigmatia
Lamington by ~tasertail