Sandbar: Does anyone else hear crickets?
Gallus: That’s just Ocellus being happy.
Ocellus: * beams *
Smolder: I haven’t seen her this giddy since hearts and hooves day. Poor girl was all goo-goo eyed and everything.
Yona: Yona wonders what Affection taste like? Tastes like love?
Silverstream: What does love even taste like?
Gallus: Probably marshmallows and sweeties.
Ocellus: It’s hard to describe what it tastes of. It tastes like that feeling you get which sends shivers down your spine. Like how you wince when somecreature drags their talons on a chalkboard, but its a good feeling instead.
Gallus: So does-
Sandbar: That doesn’t give you freedom to drag your talons on a chalkboard. Again. You too Smolder.
Smolder: Spoilsport.