Here’s my tenth day of Halloween drawing for the 13 Halloween Days. It’s my unicorn OC, Ocean Blue, dressed as a mermaid and giving seaweed as treats on Nightmare Night. And she also has a coral Jack-O-Lantern and water-proof/underwater lights as part of her decorations.
Because she’s very good at spending hours underwater, she decided to spend her Nightmare Night in the ocean via underwater cave from her home on the beach and she placed her decorations and treats underwater too. By the time the night came, she would hide in the cave and jumps out to scare nearby fish and would often give them seaweed. Yet scaring the sea life has her not give away one seaweed. But at times, some do have some seaweed, even to taking some when Ocean’s not looking.
Originally drawn in pencil. Colors, filters, bubbles, background and edits done in Photoshop.