“Rara, dear, what were you thinking letting the little ones have a dollhouse? It could fall over and they could get hurt! Especially the baby! Goodness, we have to babyproof everything!”
“Grandpa, stop fussin’! We ain’t gonna get hurt!”
“You don’t know that, Mel! Oh dear, now you’re upsetting Pelly!”
“Mel’s not the one upsetting her, Dad…”
Pelly sure as hell didn’t get her anxiety from any of the Apples. They’re a strong bunch, unlikely to constantly fret over the little things or shy away from social interaction like she does. Instead, she gets it from the other side of the family, from her grandfather, Alto. As a single father from soon after his daughter was born, Alto is a bundle of nerves who constantly fusses over making sure his little filly and her daughters are safe. Believe it or not, he used to be a lot more overbearing to the point where he had to get a lot of convincing just to let Rara go to summer camp, or go off and pursue her talent as a young adult. Now he respects his daughter’s wishes and boundaries for the most part, but it still doesn’t stop him from worrying constantly and fussing over the grandbabies. At least he’s trying! One thing that does calm Alto down is knitting, and he’s quite good at it judging by his cutie mark. Despite his name, he didn’t inherit his family’s musical talent but his daughter sure did!