Daughters of the strange relationship between Princess Flurry Heart of the Crystal Empire, Lord Tirek of Centaurs, and the wicked Cozy Glow the Rook. Princess Flurry Heart was eventually tasked to rehabilitate these two, while Chrysalis gets two different rehabilitators.
Flurry ends up winning Cozy over first, by appealing to her sense of power over others by being the consort of the leader of an entire empire. The two begin their machinations against Tirek, where Cozy began to appreciate Flurry’s manipulative side. Tirek could barely hold his own against Cozy, two of them was no match. Tirek eventually got used to the amount of attention he received, and soon to appreciate it. And it’s not like her was imprisoned, he just got … Used to it. Or so he says.
Flurry and Cozy had Aurora Angelic first (middle child), a pegasus. The two adored her, she was one of the most adorable babies. This she received a lot of attention and adoration and eventually grew into a huge ego. Didn’t help she got everything she could want and more. She’s the typical ivy league sorority girl, clique-y and pitchy and loves to gossip.
The second eldest and child of Flurry and Tirek, Maleficent Majesty. Cozy and Flurry got pregnant around the same time, resulting in only a month difference. Majesty is the “cool edgy chick” but she’s also a huge bitch. She loves leather and rock and getting unnecessary piercings. She’s “bad deciaions” personified, but everyone wants to look as cool as her. She and Angel are the most popular girls in the Empire.
The youngest by a few years is the child of Cozy Glow and Tirek, Hearth Warming. Significantly different in personality to her sisters, Hearth prefers to be alone studying and reading ancient literature. She’s an alchemist, studying under the greatest magicians and wizards Equestria knows. So essentially, she’s a nerd. Most of the Empire doesn’t even know her name, but she can be seen during royal events trying to fade into the background.
Her relationship with her sisters is tenuous, Hearth views them as narcissists and unnecessarily cruel. They think she’s a stuck up goody two shoes who’s never kissed a boy because she’s hiding under books. They subtly bully her, but are never quite outright hostile.