A continuation of, www.deviantart.com/zalla661/ar…. Here I finally reveal who has fallen to Harmony Blitz, and it’s her dear madre, Trixie!
After trying to reason with her daughter, Trixie managed to sort of get through to her. However Aria’s untimely arrival made the young Harmony act in a panic and she lashed out at her mother, Aria Blaze. In the confusion Harmony struck down Trixie who stood between them saying, “Family of forever! We shouldn’t fight each other!” before being stuck down by Harmony’s blade.
Both mother and daughter stare in shock as Trixie’s body went limp before them. Falling to its knees as if in prayer, before collapsing to the side as a pool of red stained the ground nearby. Harmony took hold of her mothers head trying to think of what to say, but only managed to mumble as Aria too fell to her knees. Both mares in tears Harmony grabbed Trixie’s severed head showing it to her mother in a fit of rage exclaiming, “This is your fault! Had you not interfered she would be alive now!”
Of course Aria still having some sense managed to rebuttal saying, “You’re the one who can’t control your anger and made the killing blow. Her death is your own fault,” Aria said with a hiss. “Don’t blame me for your mistake!”
Harmony hissed back barring her fangs at Aria who returned the gesture with a feral snarl. After a few minutes of this Harmony finally backed off, not out of intimidation, but simply because she didn’t care. Aria, still in her daze from her wife’s untimely demise managed to stand as Harmony cupped Trixie’s head in her harms, tenderly stroking he soft silvery mane. After a minute she turned to face her mother and snarled one last time at her before saying, “Out of love and respect for madre Trixie, I will forgo killing you today.”
She then turned to face her mother face to face only an arms length away. Aria made no attempt to attack or restrain Harmony as the younger mare spoke.
“However, if you continue to interfere I won’t hesitate to kill you,” Harmony said with a vicious snarl, “And if that happens I won’t keep you gem. As far as I’m concerned, my mother died when madre Trixie died.”
Aria growled as Harmony jumped into the air and transformed into her siren form. With her dragon like jaw she took Trixie’ body holding it inside her moth like a crocodile would its young. She then leaped into the air flying away into the blood red sunset. Aria gripped her hands tightly as she watched Harmony fly away with Trixie’s remains to be buried somewhere no doubt.
“That’s fine with me, Harmony Blitz. As far I’M concerned,” She pout a hand over her gem gripping it tightly. “-my daughter is already dead.”
She then turned to walk back home in Ponyville and plan her next move against Harmony Blitz. Her mind clear as crystal on her next objective. Slay the Crimson Siren Slayer before she gains too much power. However to get enough power to match her Aria had to get her hands dirty. She was not looking forward to it, but for the sake of her race and the world, Harmony had to be stopped.
No matter the cost.