Happy 9th Anniversary And Happy Birthday My Beloved Show.This show was part of me and now seeing it go like that it brings tears to my eyes because I loved it with all my heart and its extremely painful for me right now to write this cause my heart is broken in thousands of pieces and a void is left behind where it once was.I know that I should be happy about these 9 years but it hurts it hurts a lot and I can’t help but want to cry for hours, days, weeks I don’t know.The 4th Generation will always be the best one to ever be made and people who left the series from the start well its their miss cause this series was the best one I ever watched in my entire life and now saying good bye to it is very very very painful for me.It was my life it was part of me but now its gonna fade away and make way for G5 which Im not happy about that they stoped G4 to go in G5 when they are gonna release probably next year around september which makes me furious because they still had material to continue G4 for at least one more year at most.But this is the end of the Best My Little Pony Generation ever made and people who think or say otherwise are idiots.Anyways this is a thank you to all these 9 years of My Little Pony:Friendship Is Magic and I hope they don’t screw everything up for G5 with altering the 3 of the Mane 6 and making 3 worlds.Anyways again Thank You My Little Pony:Friendship Is Magic for all these beautiful moments of love, happyness and laughter that you given us throughout these 9 years You Were The Best Show Ever Made.I wont say good bye cause it will never be erased from our hearts and our memories the fandom will stay alive forever like you and the light will never fade away.So thank you for everything you have done for me for the past 9 years of my life and we will not let you be forgotten.We will carry on your legacy each and every one of us will.[The art above isn’t mine]