Original Description:
The final day of horse week. This is the end.I don’t want to get too sappy but when I first went to Anime North back in the early 2010s, I didn’t think that the strange sub-YTP I saw in the AMV hall would lead me down this crazy ride. But after seeing Ponies the Anthology for the first time it sparked enough interest for me to watch the show itself. Now, nearly ten years later, it’s done so much for me. It formed some friendships, and strengthened others. It taught me to be more true to who I am, to embrace my creativity tenfold, and countless other life lessons I couldn’t do without. It influenced my art direction and style and pulled me even deeper into my love for animation. It’s been absolutely incredible, and I can’t believe that this chapter of it all has finally come to a close. I’m looking forward to seeing what’s next!
Thanks to everyone for joining me on this ride. It’s been a great one.