Marble pie ran as fast as she could to the bathroom and of course she maid it.
She closed and locked herself in and dropped her butt on toilet.
She pushed, but for some reason her poop haven’t even moved an inch, so she tried another push and still nothing.
She didn’t know what to do, she feels a need to poop, but on toilet it feels like there is no poop to push.
She tried to leave the bathroom, but something makes her stop, like if the poop is about to leave marble’s gut, but when she sits back on toilet, the poop keeps refusing to come out.
A whole month have passed, but Marble is still sitting on the toilet and not even a bit of poop has ever come out.
Her family tied to deal with Marble’s bowel problem:
Her mother still makes food and brings it to her;
Her father had to make an outhouse for others to use;
Limestone does more work, with she is obviously not happy about it;
Pinkie visits more often to cheer her up, but it barely works;
But this time Maud thought of buying a lot of laxatives.
She came to Marble with those laxative pills and told her, that it should work, which Marble agreed and took all the pills Maud got for her and waited a bit.
As she waited Maud left the bathroom for Marble’s privacy.
Marble felt a growl from her stomach, she got happy as she could finally lift her butt from the toilet and now she put all her strength to the butt, and pushed like she never thought she needed.
5 minutes later, after all the efforts, after all the help she got from the family and after all that, her poop still sits in her gut.
Marble burst into tears, she feared that she will stay stuck on toilet for the rest of her life and thought to herself “It’s like my poop is literally made of immovable rock”.