During a relaxing day on the beach, Sunset Shimmer comes across an old scroll in a bottle buried in the sand. Upon opening it, she is surprised to discover that the scroll contains an old Equestrian love spell that is triggered when two ponies read the spell out loud at the same time. Excited by her find, she shows it to Twilight and Pinkie, who immediatly suspect that their friend is pulling a prank on them, to which Sunset insists that she’s not. After a brief back-and-forth about the spell’s legitimacy, Sunset dares Pinkie and Twilight to read the spell out loud together and see what happens to prove that it’s not a prank. The two girls do so, but end up falling madly in love with each other due to the magic in their geodes reacting to the incantation on the scroll, which also causes their eyes to shift into an unusual coloration.
Twilight and Pinkie soon begin to gush over their newfound attraction for one another and even go so far as to begin making plans for their marriage. Sunset, meanwhile, is utterly dumbfounded by the sight before her and hopes that she can find a way to reverse the spell before things get out of hand….