“Value water. Value as yourself”(C) Dune Drops, desert naiadoe
Naiadoes are spirits of water and ice, temper and interests are differing from one place to another: some run with roaring streams, streams and oceanic flows, some are rolling in waterfalls and torrents, some just swim in same lakes, ponds and oases. Despite their lifestyle every naiad represents a vital water, that every living creature need — and they can make it restorative and fortifying to ones, who need such. It is believed that the places where you can see these spirits of water are full of peace and freshness — even in the mountains and bogs. Animals go to to a watering place in their domains, plants begin to grow faster and stronger, ice and snow shelter them all during the winter, preventing them from dying from the cold. Every naiadoe in one way or another feels the need to care and satisfy the thirst of creatures near her, and she’s favorable to all those who share its way of thinking. They will only be happy with the gardens, fields and healers that settled over their lakes and rivers, but not one naiadoe will tolerate dirty water and violence. Endless rains, floods, biting frost and slippery roads await those, who deserve naiadoe’s anger — until they change their minds or leave their possessions. © callingAscetic
Commission for callingAscetic
Water spirit, naiadoe. Part of ‘family’ with sylphidoe and deeryad