Artist’s comment:
I’m here, sorry. I failed to think of anything for the topic (it actually says “beaten up\bloody”). And… Dunno how it happened, I ended up drawing another strip. :shrug:
I can already hear some folks yelling how inappropriate it is. Well, guess what, it’s a joke and it’s still more appropriate than 95% pony art. So yeah, sorry, I’m not ashamed. No filly was hurt during creation of the strip. Wink/Razz
I don’t encourage physical punishment but let’s face it, the times when it was normal brought many disciplined, smart and kind people into this world while modern “freedom” wrecks the society. Shootings, disrespect, damage to property, careless driving… Some people would really deserve that. There’s time and place for everything, I won’t discuss that, I don’t propose anything, that topic is closed. I only clarify.
!https://a.deviantart.net/avatars/e/r/eriaskplz.png?5! Wait, you said one month free of cleaning my room?! :O_o:
Too late, pumpkin.
18. Winter clothes. <a href="https://www.deviantart.com/sherwoodwhisper/art/OCC-1-Casual-clothes-811694619"><<<list>>></list></a> 20. Stupid clothes. (I have no idea T_T Too much clothes, the list was probably meant for humans)