Page 1084 – Captain ScrunchThe real problem with highly visible curses like this is that even an experienced roleplayer isn’t going to be able to pull it off perfectly. Something’s probably going to slip through whether they intend to or not.
Applejack: Grrr– FINE! Discord dangled the dang Element in front o’ me, challenged me to a trivia game for it, Ah won, but he used a loophole to take it away again. That’s the story and Ah’m stickin’ to it!</sigh>
(beat – scrunchy face)
Twilight Sparkle: Is Applejack making that face in-character?
Discord GM: Oh, probably not…
Applejack: Mm.
Twilight Sparkle: I see…
Discord GM: Well, can’t stick around! Got another Element to torment– I mean test. Toodles!
Twilight Sparkle: … Can you tell me what happened, out-of-character?
Applejack: Ah don’t think that’s wise right now.
Twilight Sparkle: …Alright. We’ll get through this together, okay?
Applejack: Ah dunno what yer talkin’ about. Besides just bein’ in a frustratin’ maze and all.
Twilight Sparkle:<sigh> THAT’S going to get annoying, though…