Name: Serina Concord Shy
Nicknames: Serina, Riri
Parents: Fluttershy & Discord
Place of Hatching: Discord’s Dimension (w/ Fluttershy ofc)
Place of Residence: Discord’s Dimension (w/ Fluttershy ofc)
Personality: Kind, awkward, and clumsy. Almost the complete opposite of her father, Serina likes to spend time relaxing with the animals and sitting upon clouds, watching over Ponyville. This is how Serina usually acts. While Serina can be calm and collected at times, she also likes learning new abilities with Discord. Seeing as she too has the chaotic magic Discord holds, she can get a bit carried away. When she uses her draconequus magic, she usually goes into a hyper-like mode. Kind of like a kitten during playtime. Discord says this is just natural for such a young draconequus though, while Fluttershy tries to listen to him, deep down inside she gets a little concerned when Serina is in hyper mode.
Special/Facts: -Serina’s fangs and batwing aren’t only from Discord, these traits come from Fluttershy too
-Since she has rabbit ears, she can detect higher frequency sounds than the average pony
-Serina can eat meat, but she feels too attached to animals to be able to do so
-A craving of apples sometimes occurs, especially when she is stressed
-Serina carries Discords abilities
-She trips over n o t h i n g
-Bat-pony-like eyes help her see more clearly in the dark