+*A “Dazzling” Comeback?
Part 2 /4:*+
It has been 20 minutes since the Dazzlings have arrived at the Starswirled Music Festival. Adagio and Aria are inside waiting for Sonata.
Adagio: I can’t believe how many different food stalls there are in this place. Churros, pizzas, pretzels, sushi, falafels, sweets… lasagna pops?
Aria: I hate to say it, but I’m sure it’ll keep Dumbo busy. Heh, and you too. (Starts squishing Adagio’s belly with her hand)
Adagio: Hey! You watch yourself or my bum will have something else to sleep on tonight.
Aria: Whatever. … Speaking of Sonata, what’s taking her so long?
Adagio: I don’t know. She just said she was going to the bathroom.
Just then, Sonata arrives with loads of bags filled with tacos.
Sonata: Hey girls. Sorry I took so long. After exiting the bathroom, I saw this amazing taco stall. Mmm-mm, they’re super tasty. … Oh, don’t worry, they’re super cheap too.
Aria: Are you kidding me?! I had to push you through those entry gates just now because of this thing (slaps Sonata’s tummy) and now you’re making it bigger?!
Sonata: What? It was a really long drive and I’m really hungry.
Adagio: You know, you could’ve asked us to stop at the many rest stops we drove past.
Sonata: But, how would you hear me over all the traffic?
Aria: We couldn’t. That was the best part of the trip.
Sonata: Sure. Well, see ya later. This scrumptious dinner isn’t gonna eat it self.
She then walks off to find somewhere to eat.
Aria: (Annoyed sigh) I really hope there a blunt instrument stall around here!
Part 1: >>2143750