Page 936 – Director’s NotesIt’s another session of my new campaign, Dusk City Outlaws, and it ends… somewhat explosively.
Session 4 – The Little Museum Job, Part 2: Libsyn YouTube
Also, I’m considering making changes to how I edit the tabletop podcasts, which you can read about here.
Rarity: No worries! To help with the con, I’ve prepared in advance a few talking points for each of you.
Rainbow Dash: To the Wonderbolts: “She’s not afraid to get her hooves dirty.” I guess they might buy that.
Applejack: To the farmers: “She’s really down-to-earth and understands us working folk.” Uh-HUH.
Pinkie Pie: To the nobility: “She hosted the most beautiful soirée last month.” What’s a soirée?
Fluttershy: To the royal animals: “She loves all kinds of creatures, especially fluffy cats.” Oh, I’m not sure the birds and mice will like that…
Twilight Sparkle: To Celestia: “Rarity would make a great niece-in-law.” WAIT, WHAT?!