Hey, everyone! I’m back once again, having been through a long period of dead silence. This one took ages to tidy up even though I made sure to work on it whenever I had time to spare – but enough about that!
Working on this project has been a blast, and I have been experimenting with new techniques in terms of shading and displaying volume through light, hence the very dark theming. As always, I have been listening to feedback from my previous projects and tried to apply them to the best of my ability.
A few examples are:
- not making the toes be ‘too’ far apart
- fixing some anatomy issues (While bumping into- and butchering new ones).
- and many more minor things
As always, this has been a great learning experience – but I honestly think I bit off more than I could chew this time around, and it’s ultimately my own fault. I might bump the scale and “polish” down a few notches when I plan the next one just so that I can keep up with myself – but enough about that too!
I hope ya’ll enjoy this one! I can’t wait to hear whatever banter you have at heart down below.
This one will of course also be uploaded to my DeviantArt account: BlasphemyroseDA, in case you’re curious!
Until next time!