Page 794 – Dark Horses, Mission 14Author: ChrisTheS
Guest Author’s Note: “Those of you who’ve read my comic will recognize the unfortunate red pony in panel 2. Don’t worry, GM fiat decrees she’ll live to be unceremoniously bonked on the head another day.
“Characters from ‘Star Mares’: christhes.deviantart.com/”
DM: With the navigational data you obtained form under the Imperial Palace on Canterlot, you are able to track where Dark Feather’s flagship will rendezvous with the factory ship, the Hock Hammer.
Spring Clean (Pinkie Pie): Anything I can loot in—?
DM: The cargo hauler you stowed away in is mostly full of heavy machinery and raw materials. Nothing really portable.
Cookiecutter (Twilight Sparkle): Finding red keycards isn’t much of a challenge anymore.
DM: I’m starting to feel sorry for that NPC…
Spring Clean: Can I loot—?
DM: She’s not carrying anything else of note.
Gracenote (Rarity): Would that trick Wind Whistler used to disable the doors on the Nightmare Moon work against these robot troopers?
DM: You don’t know enough Binary to be able to fully override their systems, but I’ll say you remember enough that most of your bard powers should work.
Cookiecutter: I’m beginning to miss being a wizard…
Maple Leaf (Fluttershy): More jumping puzzles? I’m not good at these in video games either.
Gracenote: You’re trained in Acrobatics. Why not take Skill Focus next level?
Maple Leaf: I dunno, I was thinking of taking Sneak of Shadows…
DM: Why not just rebuild as a rogue, since you never use your powers anyway? I’ll even let you treat frying pans as Sneak Attack weapons, considering your cutie mark. With a mechanical groan, General Rom Hock’s armor collapses.
Cookiecutter: And there was much rejoicing.
DM: And just in time: in only a few minutes, the sequencer charges will go off, putting an end to the Dark Hoofer project once and for all.
Gracenote: We hurry to the shuttle bay.
Spring Clean: Can I—?
DM: sigh Yes, you can loot him first.