Page 682 – Heavy Artillery<br/>Since I got into ponies right after Season One ended, the first time I got to see the fandom react in real time was in Season Two. So I remember The Last Roundup making waves on several fronts. There was the big one (Derpy and the controversial change that followed), but there was also “guns,” which was not helped by “Tank” seven episodes earlier.
No podcasts this week.
DM: And with that, it’s time for a break. My turn to use the bathroom. Have fun scheming behind my back.<br/></sigh>
Pinkie Pie: Whaaaat? We’d NEVEr do thaaat… Okay, DM’s gone. Huddle!<br/>
Twilight Sparkle: Seriously, I don’t know if we got any closer to an answer here. We eliminated some possible theories, but…<br/>
Rainbow Dash: No, you’re right. We went too soft on her. If we want the truth about AJ’s change of plans, we need to play hardball.<br/>
Rarity: I’m fairly certain that some kind of personal problem caused all this. But we can’t help if we don’t know.<br/>
Rainbow Dash: It’s time to call in the big guns.<br/>
Rarity: Surely you don’t mean…<br/>
Pinkie Pie: Wow, there are guns in this setting??