Page 583 – Brainstorm Forecast27 hours of driving one way happened at this point, and I don’t think my future self will have fully recovered from it. But I do have some excellent news to share.
They won’t announce it for a few more days, probably, but I’ve been given as official a confirmation as it gets: I’m going to be a Community Guest at Everfree Northwest in Seattle! Comped badge, might sit on a panel somewhere, the works. It’s a big first for me, and I have all of you to thank for it. This is gonna be nuts.
DM: At this point, you’ve got many options for earning renown. I have a few ideas in mind, but I’m also open to suggestions.
Twilight Sparkle: I could get involved in local politics. Coordinate a few public works.
DM: Coordinators and consultants don’t exactly earn national recognition.
Fluttershy: I’ve always wanted to try my hand at playwriting…
DM: Ooh. Ambitious, but, uh… impossible to build that much cred in two months. Trust me.
Applejack: Y’know, I have connections too. Maybe I can lean on them!
DM: Sure, if you want your own float in the Summer Harvest Parade… The Gala, not so much.
Rainbow Dash: Can I get famous in an underground fighting tournament?
DM: They’re called “underground” for a reason.
Rainbow Dash: Well, I’m a pegasus. Couldn’t it be “aboveground?“
DM: …Ugggh.
Pinkie Pie: Ooh, nice pun! And that gives me an idea: Stand-up comedy!
DM: Alright, I’ve heard enough.