Page 560 – The Big ScoreAnd that’s Luna Eclipsed! Thanks for reading.
What comes next is a bit of a mixed intermission. We’ve got a few guest comics, and then I have a mini-arc idea I’d like to try out. All in all, it should be about four weeks worth of content before we get back to regular comics, but I won’t know the exact date until submissions end this Thursday.
When Friendship is Dragons returns, we start with Suited for Succ*- er… *Sonic Rain*- well… *Hurric*- You know, right now I don’t even know for sure what’s going to happen next. For now, let’s just call the next arc *The Ticket Master. See you then!
Also, there won’t be a Fallout is Dragons this week, but I did crank out about 12k words of side-story this weekend, if you want to follow the adventures of the B-Team.
Applejack: Hey, you need a ride? Since I’m apparently a chauffeur tonight?
Twilight Sparkle: Um, no thanks. I’ll just use my bike. But there was something I wanted to run by you all first.
Applejack: Shoot.
Twilight Sparkle: I’d be alright with Luna joining us on adventures, but leaving Rarity alone after what happened? I don’t think I could do it. So my idea is… What if we made sure her character got a happy ending? What if… we made her a Princess?
Rarity: Huh?!
Fluttershy: Oh my gosh, yes! I was thinking about this, too. It’s what she wanted, and her shrewd but generous nature would make her a great Princess overall.
Rarity: It… It’s not that easy…
Pinkie Pie: With us backing you up? Girl, ain’t nothing we can’t do!
Rainbow Dash: Guys. Getting one of us into royalty would be an irresponsible misuse of our considerable power.
Rarity: …
Rainbow Dash: Ha! Gotcha! Seriously though… As her solo arc, I was like, “Whatever.” But as a group project? Yeah, I’d be down for that!
Applejack: I dunno ‘bout our chances, but I’d be more than happy to help. So whaddaya say, li’l miss thief?
Rarity: You mean… One final job? A “last hurrah” for Rarity?
Rarity: I’M IN.