Page 556 – Royal CurbstompThis is where the limitations of the medium (screencaps) fail me a wee bit. If I want to do more complex things with this comic, I’d probably need help from an actual vector artist.
A good Story Time for this weekend might involve mysteries (of varying degrees of Scooby-Doo-ness). Just sayin’.
What’s this? A new podcast episode on time?! Say it ain’t so!
Session 37 – The Mafia Princess: Libsyn YouTube
Princess Luna: I start with Lead the Attack.</clap></roll></roll></roll></roll></roll></roll><roll> 27 vs. AC. <br/>
DM: Hit.<br/>
Princess Luna: <roll> 20 damage. The three of us get +3 to attack rolls against the target until the end of my next turn. I then spend an Action Point and use Devastating Offensive. Taking the +3 into account, that’s… <roll> 31 vs. AC. <br/>
DM: Geez. Hit.<br/>
Princess Luna: <roll> 9 damage, I slide the enemy 1 square, and slide Rainbow Dash into the vacated square. She gets to make a free basic melee attack.<br/>
Rainbow Dash: Booyah. <roll> 29 vs. AC, and… <roll> 12 damage!<br/>
DM: <clap> And the enemy goes down. Well done. <br/>
Twilight Sparkle: Textbook combat! Okay, let’s get a good look at this guy.<br/>
DM: You take off the hood and… it’s no one you know.<br/>
Rainbow Dash: Really? All that for a random mook? I was hoping for some kind of Scooby Doo reveal. “It was Granny Smith the whole time!” “And I would’ve gotten away with it too if it weren’t for you meddling kids!”<br/>
Pinkie Pie: Haha- Aww. Right in the nostalgia…