Page 537 – Stealing the BaitAh, January 2015. Otherwise known as “that month where you’re still writing 2014 on all your documents.”
Ooh, I seem to be waxing cynical. You guys handle the story time down below while I get some leftover comfort food.
DM: As you head for Applejack’s apple bobbing stall, you notice Pipsqueak about to topple into the tub.</roll>
Twilight Sparkle: What exactly did he think was going to happen?
Princess Luna: Fantastic! An opportunity for public heroics! Athletics to save him!<roll> 23!<br/>
DM: You pull him out by his pirate tunic just as Pinkie and the rest of the gang of foals show up.<br/>
Applejack: Oh boy, here we go… Another visit from our one-pony slander squad.<br/>
Rainbow Dash: Hey everypony, look! It’s Luna!<br/>
Pinkie Pie: BACOCK??<br/>
DM: Yep. This time it’s Rainbow Dash.<br/>
Rainbow Dash: A powerful Warlord from 1000 years ago, and she still finds time to save little kids! Is that awesome or what?!<br/>
DM: …Hold on.<br/>
Twilight Sparkle: Okay, I’m officially lost.<br/>
Rainbow Dash: It’s real simple. Some dupe with a hood made the mistake of paying me half upfront.<br/>
DM: Oh, you clever… Well played.