Page 482 – Tipping Your HoofMetagaming, like everything else in the tabletop group dynamic, depends on the people involved. If using meta-logic frequently induces more groans than laughs, it should probably be kept to a minimum, and the line between in- and out-of-character knowledge should be drawn hard. But if the occasional meta observation consistently amuses the group, it’s a bit more okay.
What point on that spectrum the FiD group occupies is left as an exercise for the reader.
DM: The rest of the night passes without incident. The other five party members catch the last train to Ponyville. Rarity stays through the next morning to finish the rest of her visit as Dainty Dove.
Fluttershy: Um, I have a question…
Rainbow Dash: Just one?
Fluttershy: Is Rarity going to be okay? It sounded like Fancy Pants knew she was a Rogue…
Rarity: I don’t think he did, honestly, but it’s possible. Either way, he made his stance on the matter clear. It doesn’t matter whether he knows or not; he simply doesn’t care.
Pinkie Pie: But he could’ve been lying, fancy pants on fire! Maybe he’s Elusive, or a cop, or…!
Rarity: That did cross my mind. I like to think I’m a decent judge of dishonesty, but I do have a backup. Applejack?
Applejack: Nope, pretty sure it was honest.
DM: Well, did you roll an Insight check?
Applejack: Didn’t have to. Just watched you and looked for tells. Didn’t find any.
DM: Oh, come on!