Page 244 – The End Comes SwiftlyYep, Bridle Gossip is slowly but surely coming to a close. What’s next after this, you ask? Which arc is coming up next? Well, I’ll keep the specifics a secret for another couple of weeks.
Unlike the last two transitions, I don’t think I’ll be doing a guest comic run. Even though they were both intended as “breaks,” I’ve always done just as much work setting up and managing guest authors as I do just writing the actual comic. Also, two weeks is way too short a deadline for commissioning high-quality work from scratch, and that’s all they’d have if I sent out the call now. So, I figure I’ll simply head into the next arc once this one ends.
DM: I get the distinct impression it’s time to wrap this up. Well, since the townsfolk don’t really stand in your way, you’re able to gather up the ingredients quickly enough. Using the largest hot tub at the Ponyville day spa,
Rarity: Ponyville has a day spa?! You have NO IDEA how perfect this is for my character!
DM: …Zecora mixes up the enhanced herbal bath and invites you to take a soak.
DM: Wait, NOW you respect the tongue-out rule?? Ah, whatever. Pinkie’s tongue, Twilight’s horn, Rarity’s hair, Rainbow’s wings, Applejack’s size, and Fluttershy’s voice all return to normal.
Fluttershy: Yay.
DM: I am going to miss “Flutterguy” though.
Fluttershy: Never again.
DM: Drat.