Page 242 – Walking Down the StreetI get in a funny mood when I get… fatalistic in a roleplaying session. The situation could be dire as it could possibly be – world ending, party imprisoned, loved ones dying – and if I don’t see a way out, I start laughing. I make mean jokes. I cease to treat my enemies with even the slightest bit of respect, even when they threaten my life.
I have roleplayed a man with nothing to lose. It was an interesting experience.
Daisy: Look, Rose! How awful!</scribble></scribble></scribble></scribble>
Rose: The wicked enchantress has cursed them all!
Lily: The horror! THE HORROR!
Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, yeah…<scribble><br/>
Zecora: This cannot be done. These ponies still run. <br/>
Twilight Sparkle: <scribble> Makes me wonder if anypony knows what you ACTUALLY did.<br/>
Pinkie Pie: Twilight? You’re being kind of a grumpy-pants right now…<br/>
Twilight Sparkle: Sorry, I’m just… tired. <scribble> Tired of the bickering, of the manipulation, of the secrets… I’m done guessing – let’s just put all our cards on the table and see what happens. <scribble><br/>
DM: What are you doing?<br/>
Twilight Sparkle: Preparing my lecture notes.