Page 184 – Elements of Smarmony, Part 2Author: Digo
Guest Author’s Note:
“Good or evil, Player Characters do have one thing in common- when combat begins, they cause a lot of collateral damage. Whether it is the villain’s home base or a parking lot full of civilian cars, you can be sure there will be a path of destruction left behind. Did you ever have a memorable fight that occurred where the scenery got chewed up in a literal sense?”
Trixie: Nurse Redheart, who saved the orphanage by getting the arsonist stoned on weed-
DM: Sigh, and the orphans.
Nurse Redheart: Acceptable collateral!
Trixie: Uh yeah, anyway, she’s the Element of: Constitution.
Zecora: Oh! I’m the Element of Wisdom, right? ‘Cause my Perception rolls saw through the midget pirate pony curse this night!
Trixie: Sure, we’ll go with that.
DM: Do you even know what the Elements of Friendship are?
Trixie: Yes, and Cheerilee showed that by befriending the old dungeon hermit.
DM: Befriending? She conned him!
Cheerilee: Hate the game, not the player.