Page 71 – Betrayal for DummiesIt’s no secret what we’re coming up to. Rainbow Dash’s choice.
I’d just like to ask: Is there any precedent for this in tabletop games? Was any player ever presented with an ultimatum like this who then chose to betray/abandon their allies?
Shadowbolt: Rainbow Dash. A long time we have waited-
Rainbow Dash: Nuh-uh. No.
Shadowbolt: …waited for a pegasus of your strength-
Rainbow Dash: Just stop. I’m not listening.
Shadowbolt: But we bring you an opportunity of immeasurable-
Rainbow Dash: Nope! I’ve had enough of these speeches. If you’ve REALLY want to say something, say it in five words or less.
Shadowbolt: You cannot be-!
Rainbow Dash: Five words or less.
Shadowbolt: We, Shadowbolts. You, captain. …Accept?
Rainbow Dash: Much better.