Cozy Glow: “WHAAAAAT?! We were on the same side all this time?!”
Chrysalis: “Okay…wasn’t expecting that…”
Tirek: “HELL YEAH!”
Thorax: “My Queen, I’m sorry for betraying you, but I was following Spike’s orders for the welfare of all changelings!”
Grogar: “You’ve been a trustful ally for my cause, all those years, Master Spike.”
Spike: “When I’m done with them, those ponies will learn to not accept a snake amongst themselves!”
Starlight: “I can’t wait to show you all my plans to broke Twilight’s will! We’ll have so much fun!”
Sunset: “I can’t wait! It’s getting harder and harder to fool those idiots on the other side.”
Trixie: “Hmph!”
Discord: “We two traitors, in the same side… Ironic, isn’t it?”
Luna: “…”