“Let’s get this storm started! Oh, hey that’s good! I should trademark that.”
<del>Deep sigh</del> I love this guy so much. To say I’m pumped to see the movie is an understatement. I’ve read the prequel comics and the junior novelization for the movie already (The latter because I’m a cheating bastard who didn’t wanna wait until seeing the film but you didn’t hear that from me.). The moment I saw the vinyl statue for him I had a feeling I was going to love this character. I decided to just accept my fate and here we are. I have a whole lot I could say about this big dummy but I will try to hold off until after the film’s release. But you can probably look forward to more art of him.
I actually put this through three different art programs; the newly acquired Krita for the lineart an coloring, shading and highlights, and Photoshop and SAI for the added effects and adjusting the background. It’s an edited screenshot from episode 11 of season 1. I gotta say that despite how different Krita is, I find the program very promising and I hope to get better with it. Not to mention the templates for animation and comics are right up my alley for future projects.