Bonus Timeline: Specifically, the lineage of Adagio’s daughter Victory Belle!
Mother: Adagio Dazzle
Father: Scarlet Heart
- Gideon Blue (deceased, died during the war)
- General Abacus Cinch
- Cherry Jubilee (Victory Belle x Gideon Blue)
- Abacus Cinch Jr. (Original Name: Amaryllis Daze; Victory Belle x General Abacus Cinch)
- Cookie Crumbles (Original Name: Hollyhock Snap; Victory Belle x General Abacus Cinch)
- Donut Joe (Cherry Jubilee x Unknown)
- Caliper Cinch (Abacus Cinch x Neighsay)
- Sundial (Sunny) Flare (Abacus Cinch x Neighsay)
- Dolce (Dolly) Dusk (Adopted: Abacus Cinch; Sonata Dusk x Neighsay)
- Rarity (Cookie Crumbles x Hondo Flanks)
- Sweetie Belle (Cookie Crumbles x Hondo Flanks
Great Grandchildren:
- Golden Hazel (Morning Roast x Donut Joe)
- Roseluck (Morning Roast x Donut Joe)
- Primrose Prime (Caliper Cinch x Suri Polomare)
Holly Blue (Sister of Gideon Blue, Aunt of Cherry Jubilee)
Blueblood, Moondancer and their children, Ma Belle Danseuse and Stell’adora (Related through Morning Roast)