Tempest: Yes! The Princess is still nominally in charge, though she no longer handles the day to day affairs of state. Some ponies feel that she should be removed from power altogether, until they are reminded that somepony has to raise the sun every morning. But having visited with her a few times now, I can say that she’s not as hooves-off of Equestrian affairs as she might seem.
(She only looks like this in my head.)
I’m actually from Cloudsdale, but since meeting my new friends I’ve been living in Canterlot. The city now drapes over the slopes of the mountain and fills its interior. Ponyville was swallowed up by the Everfree a couple centuries ago, so New Ponyville is right up against the base of Canterlot mountain, and most of its residents commute to industrial jobs in the lower city, especially airship construction. When I first got here I stayed in the garret of my Mom’s bookshop, the Lazy Moon, which is on a quiet side street in the upper city. It‘s still a refuge for me, and my best friend works there. But nowadays I‘m living in… well. I‘ll get to that part later. =3