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Made for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily
Prompt: Draw an episode idea you’ve always wanted in the show / Draw a pony with a bright idea.
Now obviously this will never happen in an episode but if the show was more mature I would love that:
I always thought Pinkie has a very active sex life. She loves fun and making others happy. If that doesn’t SCREAM sex then I don’t know what does.
Dash seems the most likely to go along with it whenever Pinkie wants some casual fun and top athletes usually have a high libido of their own anyways, so that works out fine for the both of them.
This was a nightmare to do, the model proportions don’t work well for that pose, there was always something clipping through something else. But in the end it turned out great, erotic but not pornographic just like I love it <3
Model credits on Deviantart
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