<ins>Chapter 27 of Fallout: Equestria’s Scoundrels is FINALLY live, here’s a sneak peek;</ins>
“I have every faith that our Overstallion does what is right for the Stable,” he stated, triggering every single bull-crap detection alarm my mind had available to activate. I smiled privately and let him proceed. “But do you not see how stale and unimaginative our Stable is becoming compared to your world beyond the gate?” He closed the lid of the drinks cabinet and spun it slowly, his eyes gazing over the turning world with a hint of his deeper ambitions glowing behind his pupils. “I believe a fresher face in the office could liven this Stable up, make it a shining beacon in Equestria, as Canterlot once was. The pony that could take over from him might even make Equestria great again…”
“And… Who do you have in mind to take up that great wee challenge?” I asked pointlessly, as I knew the answer yet needed to hear it from Hot Shot’s own lips.
“There’s only one pony I see with that imagination and determination. One pony who I see leading this Stable into a new age when I close my eyes, Crow. Me, wearing that red cape proudly, standing above everypony with you and Mellow by my sides.”
The link to the chapter sits below;
Artwork by Laura Sikes, while the added text and logo was edited by myself.
And if you want to join my Discord server and discuss your stories and more, please do so! Just shout out for a link.
All good things,