Despite Washington state remaining a wet state during the prohibition era, Canterlot remained a dry city and diligently enforced prohibition law in the city limits. Among the business affected by the City’s prohibition law was the family business of a particular resident Apple farming family. However, like others at the time, they were determined to violate the 18th Amendment and deliver their alcoholic beverages to customers regardless. As they like others, knew that even with prohibition enforces, not all people were willing to part with their booze.
Enter Goldspur. Hardworking Apple grower. Loving father and husband, and staunch violator of prohibition. Not willing to lose his family’s production of alcoholic cider, Goldspur concealed his family’s distillery underground and modified the family’s delivery truck so that from the outside, it resembled a truck carry crates of apples, but inside, it was actually cary barrels worth of Unadulterated Sweet Apple Acres Hard Cider. an additional modificaiton was also made to the engine so that the truck could be able to evade police vehicles and vehicles of rival gangsters whenever encountered.
At night, he would use this truck to deliver his Cider to various speakeasies around the city. The money he got from smuggling would help in allowing the family to stay financially afloat later on the great depression.