Hello and to everybody on 2014
I would like to say from my watchers and my friends and all of you Views for wishing you all a merry christmas on . Happy holidays!
P.S These words and numbers on LDD are made of candy canes!
Q (Questions): How did you find a printed bricks of unikitty face on LDD?
A (Answer): Well unfortunately, LDD doesn’t have printed bricks of unikitty face. what i did was i went to “google images” and i did found 1 image here formermsojastrodotcom.files.wo…
i copy that image and past it on “Paint.NET” and i copy unikittys face and i resize unikittys face and made it small. after i took a screenshot like this, i past the unikitty face on the pink bricks and thats what the printed bricks of unikittys face looks like on LDD. So, yay, it would have be nice if LDD would have/add printed bricks of unikitty face.
Created By LEGO Digital Designer
Building Brick Creations By