Tarot ran to the closest place she saw, an abandoned library. She cautiously walked down the aisles and began reading some of the books. One book she found was of the Alicorn Amulet.
Tarot: Alicorn Amulet? I wonder if it’s still out there. It’d help me right now.
At that very moment, a red glow emitted from one of the rooms. She ran towards the source of the glow, and underneath a few mooks was a glass case holding the same amulet on the cover of the book.
Tarot: This is it! I-it’s right here! Who would’ve known it’d be here though? Y’know, coincidentally in the same room as me? Whatever, who cares!
She used her magic to pick up the amulet from the case and began examining it.
Tarot: How do I make this stupid thing work? C’mon amulet, I want wings!
Suddenly, Tarot was lifted into the air and before her very eyes, she transformed. After the transformation, she gazed at herself in the reflection of herself in the amulet’s glass case.
Tarot: Yes! I have wings now! Chuckles No one will call me Tarot Spell anymore. From now on I want to be known as QUEEN SUNDOWN SPELL!
The mare’s voice boomed and echoed throughout Equestria, everyone could here. Even Twilight.