Martha apple Coloratura
Nickname: Mars
Species: earth pony
Gender/sexuality: Female/heterosexual
Parents: Big macintosh (father) Coloratura (mommy) Cheerilee (stepmother) T (big half brother)
Personality: she is very kind, but also very suspicious, very observant and quiet, but does not deny help to those who need it
Cutie mark and Special talent: she has the talent to identify medicinal plants, and her mark is a leaf
Occupation: Healer, but for the most part helps to care for the farm, growing plants and etc
hometown/current residence: Ponyville (sweet apple farm)
Bio/relationship: she is the youngest daughter of Big Mac with coloratura, she has the special talent to identify medicinal plants, she usually helps in the farm when nobody needs her care, she is also a good cook and poet, she loves to write poems and musics, but she is afraid of his family does not support then does not show them to anyone, besides his mother. she is very observant and distrusts the ponies around her that are not her family. She likes summers so much that she can harvest her ornaments. Her relationship with the family is very good, she loves her cousins, and aunts, and she lives very well with her distant relatives when she has a family reunion.
she loves to spend more time with her mother, singing and writing musics, she does not sing as well as her mother, but loves to write songs for them to sing together! her mother is very affectionate and kind to her, would say that they are more friends than just mother and daughter, share their anguish, fears, and give advice on many aspects of life, thus being very confident!
since their relationship with their father is more peaceful, they love spending time collecting fruits and oralisas, and also eating fruits under some cool shade and telling jokes, something much more superficial.
at the moment she is not having a crush on anyone in particular, but she gets along with her closest friends.
PT-BR: ela é filha mais nova de big mac com coloratura, ela tem o talento especial de identificar plantas medicinais, ela normalmente ajuda na fazenda quando ninguem precisa de seus cuidados, tambem é uma boa cozinheira e poeta, adora compor poemas e musicas, mas tem medo de sua familia não apoiar então não os mostra para ninguem, alem de sua mãe. ela é muito observadora e desconfia muito dos poneis em seu redor que não são sua familia. ela gosta muito de verões onde pode colher suas ortalsas. Sua relação com a familia é muito boa, adora seus primos, e tias,e convive muito bem com seus parentes longínquos quando tem alguma reunião de familia.
ela adora passar mais tempo com sua mãe, cantando e escrevendo musicas, ela não canta tão bem quanto sua mãe, mas adora escrever musicas para elas duas cantarem juntas! sua mãe é muito carinhosa e gentil com ela, diria que são mais amigas que só mãe e filha, compartilham suas angustias, medos, e dá conselhos sobre muitos aspectos da vida, assim sendo muito confidentes!
já sua relação com seu pai é mais pacifica, eles adoram passar o tempo colhendo frutas e ortalisas, e, ou tambem comendo frutas em baixo de alguma sombra fresquinha e contam piadas, algo bem mais superficial.
no momento ela não esta tendo crush em ninguem em especial, mas se da bem com seus amigos mais proximos.