Equestria’s Inferno
Each season represents a circle of the Inferno. As if Twilight is going through a series of tests to ascend what she is meant to be.
COINCIDENCE?!…probably. But, intriguing.
Season 1 = Limbo
In the beginning, Twilight Sparkle would spend her days studying. A life with no meaning or end, with no time or belief in Friendship.
Season 2 = Lust
In this season; Twilight, Discord, even Queen Chrysalis had started manipulating the desire of others to obtain what ‘they’ desire.
Season 3 = Gluttony
Twilight would not be satisfied in preparing for her “tests”. She would not even summit to asking for help if it means she’d fail.
Season 4 = Greed
Twilight wanted to have a purpose in her new role as “Princess”. She was forced to face a villain who wanted to take the power of all the magic in Equestria for himself.
Season 5 = Anger
Twilight grows angry as battles a unicorn with a personal vendetta against cutie marks.
Season 6 = Heresy
Twilight and her friends become victims of a hoard of changelings who follow in the false beliefs of an evil queen, only to find a better way.
Season 7 = Violence
The Pillars of Equestria turned their backs on Stygian, and would resort to cruel punishment, and convincing Twilight to do the same.
Season 8 = Fraud
Twilight and her friends found a false-friend within Cozy Glow after being deceived and finding what is true.
Season 9 = Treachery
Grogar put together a team of the greatest villains in Equestria, only for them to plan on betraying him.