another installment of “the machine saga”
Gallus, Sandbar, and Ocellus were rushing upstairs followed quickly by Smolder, Yona, and Skystar, as they entered the dining room where the gauntlet was normally on the table they found Silverstream squealing excitedly with multicolored streams of energy coursing through her and crackling through the air… as Silverstream felt the power surge through her she hears several ethereal voices speaking as she gained a new insight into what the gauntlet was “there are relics that predate the universe itself… forces of infinite destruction” a new voice informed her further as she saw the very concepts of infinity and eternity “before creation itself there were 6 singularities. then the universe exploded into existence and the remnants of these systems were forged into concentrated ingots… infinity stones, these stones it seems can only be brandished by beings of extraordinary strength” a new voice spoke up over the other one as she saw universes created and destroyed within the stones. “the big bang sent 6 elemental crystals hurtling across the virgin universe… these infinity stones each control an essential aspect of existence… space, reality, power, soul, mind, and time” Silverstream now fully understood the endless power she now held in her claws as the multicolored energy streams subsided and the glow of the stones dimmed revealing her eyes were faintly glowing the purple color of her iris as she contained the power of the gauntlet. she looked to the commotion she heard and saw her 5 friends and her cousin Skystar all looking in the doorway worried and amazed. Silverstream fluttered over and explained what the gauntlet was and how it worked and offered a demonstration.