<ins>Inky Rose & Maude Pie</ins>
<ins>These are both sold but I’m open to making commissioned replicas!</ins>
So yeah while watching Friendship Is Magic, I took a liking to these two ponies and even felt they were so similar that they could be related in some way. Lol. So I decided to craft them together and post them together! But they do not need to be sold together, but that is up to you. ;)
Maude Pie’s pony base is a generation 4.5 Apple Jack earth pony.
Inky Rose’s pony base is generation 4 smaller princess but severed the horn off.
Both have base coats of white gesso to provide a texture for the acrylic paints to bond to.
Both have custom hand blended body colors from mixing multiple acrylic pigments together to attempt to get their body color match as close as possible.
I also like custom blends because it makes the paint smooth and thick which applies the coats faster.
Eyes and Inky’s cutiemark are also hand painted, all paint work sealed in Artists Varnish.
Maude Pie’s mane and tail are Great Grape Barbie Hair from dollyhair. Mane is permanently styled.
Inky Rose’s mane and tail are nylon mlp hair from Dollyhair in the colors stormy sky and wisteria. Her mane is also permanently styled.
I made Maude Pie’s pet rock, “Rock”. He is a painted stone bead in gray acrylics and is attached to her raised hoof.
She has a simple hand sewn outfit from a neutral stretchy blue fabric, black ribbon trim belt. And that’s pretty much all there is to her.
Inky Rose required a few layers of intricate textile work for her top. She has faux black vinyl, stiff wide black ribbon trim, some black cobweb material detailing the lace, and some medium gray cotton fabric stitched on the front. Finished with a few black rhinestone buttons down the front, I cut black bats for her hair from faux black vinyl.
#maudePie #InkyRose #Rock #petrock #gothLolita #fashionDesigner #Gymnologist#mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #FriendshipIsRock #GothLoliIsMagic #bats#cobwebs #spiderweb #purple #lavenderlace #rose #generation4 #g4 #mlpfim#pony #mlp #mlpcustom #custompony #handcraft #handpainted #artisancraft#pegasus #synthetichair #purplehair #gray #ponyfandom #mlpfandom