<ins>Princess Trixie</ins>
Commissions are open!!!
Decided to make Friendship is Magic Trixie mlp as a princess. I own a bootleg fakie figure from China, that basically looks like a slightly varied design of Rainbow Dash. So this one I made makes me feel pretty good as accuracy is regarded. xD
Pony base is a generation 4 white Princess Celestia, coated in the base in white gesso. Full body repaint in acrylics, eyes and cutiemarks painted. All paint work sealed in Artists Varnish.
Mane and tail rooted in nylon mlp dollyhair in the colors daiquiri ice and crystal lake. Mane is styled in hair gel method.
If I were to do this again I’d probably use a white stripe in mane instead of daiquiri ice since it turned out slightly green, but THIS IS STILL MORE ACCURATE THAN THE CHINA FAKIE lol so no complaints.
Hat and cloak are hand stitched from a light purple cotton material. The brim has a plastic base I stitched fabric around. Painted rhinestones on both cloak and hat, She has painted tiara on hat with a string of beads and a strip of silver trim. Tail is embellished in 2 strings of beads and gold ribbon. Some rhinestone detail on hoof armor, tiara and cutiemarks.
#princesstrixie #GREATANDPOWERFULTRIXIE #trixie #mlpfim #mylittleponyfrienshipismagic #friendshipisTrixie #wizardsAreMagic #mlpcustom #custompony #mlp #unipeg #magicianhat #cloak #stars #wand #handpainted #artisancraft #synthetichair #textiles #rhinestones #glam #beadwork #mlpfandom #ponyfandom