Artist’s description from DA:
AHHHHHHHH SHE’S SO PRETTYYY AHHHHHHHHI’m a bit homesick after I got back to college so I’ve been watching mlp to cheer myself up. It’s so happy and innocent and it’s near impossible to stay sad. I also love drawing Celestia. She’s darn pretty.
I had this idea that when ponies ascend and become alicorns, their original features are exaggerated and they slowly gain traits from the other tribes. Celestia’s been at it for a long, long time, so she’s got all three tribes mixed in rather evenly. Here’s some other headcanons I have for her.
<ins>Princess Celestia:</ins>
was originally a unicorn pre-ascension, so her horn is insanely long (I originally drew it even longer, then shortened it cause there was no way Celestia could carry that thing atop her head all day).
- She also has a longer tail in the style of classical unicorns, but it got shortened as features from the other tribes got mixed in.
has long, feathery wings, but they’re more for show and she doesn’t use them a lot.
- when she does fly, she does a lot of flapping around as her wings lack volume (she’s not a graceful flyer).
- It rather helpfully explains why she travels everywhere in a chariot.
- Since she’s a really old alicorn, she’s picked up pegasus traits in feathers sprouting from her shoulders and the small fan of feathers at the base of her tail.
earth pony traits are the least prominent and took longer to show because Celestia’s personality leans more towards that of the unicorn and pegasi. The only sign of them is the long fetlocks on her hooves that somehow also picked up the magical floaty trait of her hair.