For Equestria Daily’s “Newbie Artist Training Grounds.”
Day 16 — Draw a romantic pony/a pony on a date.
A quiet night, a very special occasion. She fidgeted in her seat, both anxious and thrilled at the same time. She had never done this before. Am I overdressed? she wondered. Underdressed? Does my hair look okay? Oh, I can’t believe I agreed to this!
But she knew very well why she had agreed to it. She had dreamed of having a very special somepony ever since she was a filly. But now that she actually had one, and she was actually attending her very first date, she had to confess that she really didn’t know what to do with herself. The butterflies in her chest gave her the most curious feeling of trepidation and exhilaration. She wondered if this was what it was like to be in love…
The sound of hooves approaching from behind brought her out of her nervous thoughts. They came closer and closer, until they stopped right behind her. Okay, this is it, she thought to herself. She slowly turned around and offered a shy smile.