<ins>Twilight’s Beach Hut Part 3/3:</ins>
10 minutes later, Sunset steps out of Twilight’s hut after helping her with her zipper.
Sunset: Yeah, I know. You need stretchy arms to reach that zipper.
Twilight follows her out, until…
Twilight: Uhh, Sunset?
Twilight ends up wedged in the door again. Sunset sighs then starts pulling with all her might.
Sunset: Hhhnnnngg! Seriously Twilight, you should really lay off all those calories. (Pulls)
Twilight: It’s not my fault. Pinkie fed me too much cake on my birthday last week.
Sunset: (Stops for a second) And you let her do it? (Shakes her head and continues pulling)
Twilight: I guess the taste of her cakes distracted me. They were so tasty.